
Hi! We Are Super Avis

We are glad that you chose Razorbill for your blog. As delighted as we are with your purchase, we are working non-stop to ensure that you enjoy using our theme as much as we did designing it. Our efficient, effective and timely support system makes sure that you focus only on what's important - creating your next big post!

While we have tried to keep an easy-to-use user interface, we understand that you might have some questions about installing and using our theme. Following is a detailed step-by-step guide to help you with most of the questions or issues that you may be experiencing.

How To Use This Document

To help you quickly locate what you are looking for, we have created an extensive menu for this document. Please use it to navigate to the desired section. Since Razorbill is mostly configured and styled via WordPress' live customizer, the menu lists the topics in the same order as they appear in the customizer. To make things even simpler, we have created an index of all available customization at the bottom of this document. Use the index to locate your problem area and then click on it to find out the solution. You could go to the index right now or navigate to it from the menu whenever needed.

Can't find what you need? Raise a Ticket at our support site We will get back to you as quickly as possible.

Follow us on Twitter @TeamSuperAvis and Facebook /TeamSuperAvis. Stay in touch!

Getting Started

Installing Wordpress

While most web hosts now offer user-friendly tools to automatically install Wordpress, you could do it yourself by following the official installation guide by WordPress.

Famous 5-minute Install

What's Included

The theme-package downloads as a zipped folder. It contains:
Main Theme! This .zip is installed in WordPress.
Pre-created child theme for Razorbill.
Docs you are reading right now.
Contains .xml file with Demo Content.

Theme Installation

There are two ways to install the theme: via WordPress or via FTP. While installing via WordPress is easier and convenient, some specific web hosts do not support it. In such cases, installing via FTP would sort it out for you.

Theme Installation via WordPress Admin Panel

  1. Navigate to Appearance > Themes.
  2. Click Add New and hit the Upload button.
  3. Navigate to find the file on your computer and click Install Now button.
  4. The theme will be uploaded and installed.
  5. Press Activate. You may also activate it later by going to Appearance > Themes.

Theme Installation via FTP

  1. Log into your hosting space via an FTP software.
  2. Unzip the file.
  3. Upload ONLY the extracted razorbill theme folder into wp-content > themes in your WordPress installation.
  4. Login to your WordPress Administration Panel (Dashboard) to change the theme.
  5. Go to Appearance > Themes and activate Razorbill.

Child Theme

It's highly advised to install and use a child theme.

There is a fair chance that at some point you may want to modify Razorbill to suit your requirements. Customizing the main theme would leave your changes vulnerable to resets caused by theme updates. Child-theme is the recommended way of making modifications to the main theme without losing the ability to upgrade the main theme. If you wish to customize or make changes to Razorbill, doing so in would keep your changes safe when you update the main theme.

Razorbill Package contains a pre-created We would strongly advise installing the child theme as soon as you install Razorbill main theme.

You should never update child-theme, it’s your custom code. Update only the main-theme.

If you wish, you can learn more about child themes.

Regenerating Thumbnails

If you are migrating from another theme, then upon activating Razorbill you may find previously added images display strangely with weird aspect ratios and sizes. Don't worry. It is normal. The image thumbnails are required to be recreated using Razorbill's presets.

There is a very easy fix to this issue. Just install Regenerate Thumbnails plugin, launch it from Tools > Regenerate Thumbnails. Depending upon the number of images and the server speed, it might take a while before all thumbnails are regenerated.

Theme Update

It is recommended to always update your theme to the latest version as we implement new features and improvements over time. Some of these updates might be needed in order to make the theme compatible with newer versions of WordPress. There is no risk of losing your settings and content.

If you had done modifications on main theme files, then they will be lost when you update Razorbill. For customization, you should use a child theme.


Razorbill as well as the included package are translation-ready.

  • The theme comes with the pre-created razorbill.pot file.
  • You can use PoEdit to edit and create translation files with razorbill.pot.
  • To change your website language, go to WordPress Administraltion Panel (Dashboard) > Settings > General > Site Language


Razorbill recommends a few plugins to extend it's functionality. These plugins can be installed from WordPress Plugins Repository or automatically from notification in WordPress Administration Panel (Dashboard). Although, Razorbill will work perfectly without any of these plugins, you may want to extend theme's options with them.

WP Instagram Widget | Optional | Download Here

  • Lightweight plugin for displaying your instagram feed in a widget.
  • Razorbill has custom styles for this plugin for both Sidebar and Footer.

MailChimp Widget | Optional | Download Here

  • Use this widget to set up MailChimp's newsletter subscription service on your site.
  • Razorbill has custom styles for this plugin.
  • You are free to use any other plugin for using MailChimp's newsletter subscription service but it might need custom styling to match Razorbill's design.

Contact Form 7 | Optional | Download Here

  • Great plugin for building forms.
  • Razorbill has custom styles for this plugin.
  • You are free to use any other plugin for creating forms but it might need custom styling to match Razorbill's design.

Importing Demo Content

We have included the exported XML file from our demo, which allows you to quickly set up your theme with Razorbill demo content.

  1. The XML file is included within the download package at root level in a zip called
  2. Extract it and find razorbill-demo-content.xml
  3. Navigate to WP Admin > Tools > Import
  4. Select and install WordPress Importer
  5. Once its installed, select the XML file and upload it. It will take a few minutes to install and upload all content
  • Images used in Razorbill Demo Preview are not included in a theme-package. By importing demo-content, you will get grey placeholder images instead of photos.
  • If Demo-XML file won't load, it's most likely due to host limitations. The easiest way to get around that is to leave the "download images and attachments" box unchecked. That will give you all the pages and posts without the attachments.

Customizing Your Blog

With over 75 customizations at your disposal, Razorbill brings the best out of WordPress, both in terms of flexibility, and ease of use. We also understand that it may be overwhelming for some at first. Following is a series of simplest of explanations and how-tos to help you customize Razorbill to your preference. And, of course, we are always there to help you out in case you have more questions. Simply, raise a ticket, or contact us via Twitter @TeamSuperAvis or Facebook /TeamSuperAvis.

If you are setting up a new blog, we would strongly advise adding placeholder content before you start customizing the theme. It will make it easy for you to customize the elements which are not visible in the theme without content.

Site Info Appearance > Customize > Header > Site Info

Edit Site Title and Tagline

Enter the name of your blog and the tagline in respective fields. By default, the tagline is set to "Just another WordPress site." The title and the tagline help in SEO of the site.

Upload Site Icon/Favicon

The Site Icon is used as a browser and app icon for your site. Icons must be square, and at least 512px wide and tall.

Logo & Introduction Appearance > Customize > Header > Logo & Introduction

Logo Type: Text Logo

By default, Razorbill styles the site title with pre-defined styles and displays it as Text Logo. Choose a color for your text logo by using the color picker tool.

Logo Type: Image Logo

To upload an image of your logo, use the dropdown selector and choose Image Logo. Upload both normal and retina logos. Retina logo is needed for devices with high pixel density. In terms of pixels, a retina logo is double the size of the normal logo. For example, if the normal logo measures 150px by 100px, its retina version would measure 300px by 200px.


Introduction Title and Description appear right below the logo. You may use the space to briefly describe your blog or simply, write a brief introduction about yourself. There is no limit on the words you enter here.

Enable Introduction

By default, introduction is enabled. If text fields are empty, nothing will show up on the site. You may also disable introduction altogether.

Colors: Title and Description

You may choose different colors for title and description as per your requirement. The color options are beneficial when using a different color or an image as header background.

Header Layout & Background Appearance > Customize > Header > Header Layout & Background

Header Type: Classic

A traditional header with designated areas for Menu, Social Media icons and Search/Filter function.

Header Type: Modern

This a modern and cleaner take at the traditional header layout. An icon-driven header, it brings all elements on the same plane. A 'hamburger' menu icon at top-right opens the menu, which, apart from housing the menu, also offers a widget area to load your favorite widgets into the menu.

Header Height

  • Adjusts the height of the header. Header includes the logo area.
  • The header height automatically adjusts according to the logo size. The default and minimum header height is 240px.

Header Background

Header Background is the area behind navigation and logo. If it is enabled, you will see the following set of properties for both Header types.

  • Background Image: Upload a background image here. Since Header Background spans across the full-width of the browser, we would recommend using an image minimum 1920px wide for best quality render.
  • Background Overlay Color and Opacity: Use this combination of properties to enhance the legibility of your logo. For best results, use a background which is in contrast with logo colors.

Search/Filter Appearance > Customize > Header > Search/Filter

Razorbill improves user-experience by placing filters next to the search function. The users can opt to conduct a search and/or sort your blog's content using four built-in filters: Category, Tag, Year and Month. Categorize and tag all of your posts for the best use of this feature.

Disable Search/Filter Functionality

A number of options allow you to control this feature. You may opt to completely disable the feature or keep parts of it.

Filter function is not available in mobile version of the theme due to space constraints. Instead, you could add Category and Tag Cloud widgets to the menu to complement this functionality. To add widgets to mobile menu, go to Appearance > Customize > Widgets > Modern Header/Mobile Menu

Post Grid Appearance > Customize > Featured Block

Select 'Post Grid' from 'Type' selector box to display select posts using static banners.


Change/Edit the title for Post Grid. By default, it is set to Featured Posts.

Defining the Source

Use this option to define the source of posts. For a step-by-step guide, please go to Defining the Source.

Number of Posts

Razorbill comes with custom designed post grids for 7 different scenarios.

  • You may choose to display anywhere between 1 to 7 posts. Drag the handle to select a number.
  • By default, it is set to display 5 posts.
  • Each number has a predefined beautiful layout.
  • Play with the number of posts displayed to change the layout of your blog.
  • If you set the number to 1, the banner would then display the following posts depending upon the source:
    • the latest post if you select latest posts.
    • the latest post in the category for a category as source.
    • the post with the first Post ID entered in the field for Post IDs as the source.

Defining the Source Appearance > Customize > Featured Block

Featured Block has been designed to display posts from any of the following sources:

Latest Posts

This is the default setting. If none of the other options is selected, Featured Block will display your latest posts.

Post Category

Select this option to display a custom set of posts as per your preference. You can choose to display an exisiting category or create a new one. Usually, creating a new category only for this purpose is the best idea. It allows you to feature posts from different categories. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. First of all, create a new category. Let's call it 'Featured'. You may name it whatever you think works for your blog.
  2. Go to Dashboard > Posts > Category (appears below 'Posts')
  3. Type in 'Featured' as the category name and press Add New Category
  4. Now, click on Posts to display a list of all of your posts.
  5. Select the posts you want to feature in the slider by clicking on those tiny check-boxes in front of each post title.
  6. Once you have selected the posts, click on Bulk Actions selection-box. You can locate Bulk Actions either at the top of the posts list or below it.
  7. Press Edit. It opens a large menu of options. Under the 'Categories' panel, click on the check-box next to 'Featured' and press Update..
  8. Go to Appearance > Customize > Featured Block and set Source to Category. Select 'Featured' from the list of categories.
  9. It's done. Featured Block will now display the posts in 'Featured' category.

Post ID

You may prefer not to create a separate category just so to add posts to Featured Block. Razorbill helps them by using post IDs to identify and display select posts.

This is a tricky process. You might need a way to manually note down a few numbers. Please keep a pen and paper handy (or your smartphone, for that matter).

  1. First of all, login to WordPress Administration Panel (Dashboard).
  2. Go to Dashboard > Posts and open one of the posts you want to feature in the slider.
  3. Check out the Address Bar of your browser. It is where the browser displays the URL of the page you are on. In this case, it would be the URL of the post you have opened.
  4. Look at the URL carefully. It would look something like this:
  5. Notice the number 279 at the end of the URL? That is the post's ID created by WordPress. Note it down.
  6. Repeat Steps 2 through 5 for the rest of the posts.
  7. Now, go to Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Featured Block and select Post IDs from the Source dropdown selector box.
  8. Enter the Post IDs in the field and separate each ID with a comma.
  9. Press Save & Close. That's all. You have now added posts to Featured Block using Post IDs.

Post IDs are visible only when you are logged into WordPress Administration Panel (Dashboard).

Layouts Appearance > Customize > Layouts

Use the following settings to configure your blog layout.

Post Layouts

Razorbill offers five post layouts.

Standard Large Post

  • Powered by Smart Excerpt and Content Options. Learn more about Post Summary Options.
  • Excerpt cannot be disabled for Standard Large Post.
  • Supports <!--more--> tag and Manual Excerpt.
  • If <!--more--> tag and Manual Excerpt are not used, Auto-generated Excerpt kicks in and limits excerpt to a maximum of 70 words.
  • Displays featured image.


  • Displays posts in0 a two-column grid.
  • Pre-defined excerpt limit of 40 words.
  • Supports Manual Expert. It overrides pre-defined excerpt settings.
  • Doesn't support <!--more--> tag.
  • Displays featured image.
  • For a balanced layout, set an even number of posts per page.

Grid (1st Post Standard)

  • The first (latest) post automatically follows Standard Large Post layout and its excerpt settings.
  • The rest of the posts on the page display in two-column Grid layout.
  • For a balanced layout, set an odd number of posts per page.


  • Pre-defined excerpt limit of 40 words.
  • Supports Manual Expert. It overrides pre-defined excerpt settings.
  • Doesn't support <!--more--> tag.
  • Displays featured image.

List (1st Post Standard)

  • The first (latest) post automatically follows Standard Large Post layout and its excerpt settings.
  • The rest of the posts on the page would display in List layout.

You can create multiple variations of page layouts either by disabling Sidebar or Feature Slider or both. To disable Feature Slider, go to Appearance > Customize > Featured Slider. To disable Sidebar, go to Appearance > Customize > Home & Archives Layouts.

Home Page & Archives Appearance > Customize > Layouts > Home Page & Archives

Select a Home Page Layout

Disable Home Page Sidebar

  • If you prefer a full-width Home page, just disable the sidebar.
  • This setting is not universal and applies only to home page. Please visit respective sections to manually disable the feature.

Home Page Displays

  • By default, the home page is set to display posts.
  • Use this feature to set an existing page as Home for your site.

Select an Archives Page Layout

An Archive page filters posts published during a specific time period or by a particular author or with particular categories or tags. For example, clicking on a category link leads you to the category's archive which lists all the posts in that particular category.

  • Select any one of the pre-defined post layouts from the dropdown selector box.
  • Razorbill applies this style to all archive pages.
  • The same layout is also applied to Search Results and 404 pages.
  • The default template for Archives is List layout.

Disable Archives Sidebar

  • Disable Sidebar for a full-width layout for all Archives, Search Results and 404 pages.
  • This setting is not universal and applies only to Archives, Search Results and 404 pages. Please visit respective sections to manually disable the feature.

Post Summary/Excerpt

  • Smart Excerpt: Select this option if you plan to use Auto-generated Excerpt, Manual Excerpt or <!--more--> tag in Standard Large Post layout. If <!--more--> tag and Manual Excerpt are not used, Auto-generated Excerpt kicks in and limits the excerpt to a maximum of 70 words.
  • Content: This option allows you to manually control Standard Large Post excerpts with Manual Excerpt feature and <!--more--> tag. Auto-generated Excerpt is disabled.
Smart Excerpt and Content options apply only to Standard Large Post. Grid and List post layouts are controlled by Razorbill's pre-defined excerpt settings. The maximum Auto-generated excerpt length for Grid and List layouts is limited to 40 words. Read details specific to each post layout.

Posts Per Page

Go to Dashboard > Settings > Reading > Blog pages show at most and fill in the desired number of posts per page.

  • Set an even number of posts per page for Grid Layout.
  • Set an odd number of posts per page for Grid (1st Post Standard) Layout.
  • The rest of the layouts work well with any number of posts per page.

Post Page Layout Appearance > Customize > Layouts > Posts

These options apply to the post page.

Default Category of Posts

If you don't assign a category to your post or forget to assign one, then WordPress would assign default category to the post. By default, it is set to 'Uncategorized'.

Post Page Customization

  • Disable Sidebar: Makes all post pages full-width.
  • Hide Categories: Hides post categories from the above the post title. It also hides it in post feeds on home page and in archives.
  • Hide Date: Hides the date of post from above the post title. It also hides it in post feeds on home page and in archives.
  • Hide Author Name: Hides author name from post feeds on home page and in archives.
  • Hide Comments Link: Hides 'Leave A Comment' link. It also hides the number of comments.
  • Hide Tags: Removes tags displayed at the end of the post.
  • Hide Social Sharing Buttons: Removes Social Media Icons from the end of the post.
  • Hide Author Box: Removes the user profile from the post. Learn more about user profile.
  • Hide Related Posts: Disables related posts shown below the author box.

Looking for Post Layouts, Post Summary/Excerpt or Posts Per Page?

Pagination Appearance > Customize > Layouts > Pagination

Pagination Type

Select your pagination type for home page and archives:

  • Older/Newer Posts: Adds Older Posts/Newer Posts links at the bottom of home page and archives.
  • Numbered: Each page is numbered by WordPress and the numbers are presented as a series of links to respective pages.
  • Older/Newer Posts plus Numbered: This option is a combination of both paginations types.

Default pagination type for mobiles is Older/Newer Posts. Most people find it easier to tap big buttons on mobile devices.

Colors Appearance > Customize > Colors

General Elements Appearance > Customize > Colors > General

Change colors for the following elements:

  • Accent Color: Highlights post category and hyperlinks in post body.
  • Headings (h1 to h6)
  • Posts Title
  • Body Text
  • Blockquote
  • Section Title Background and Text: Widget Titles and other sections like Recent Posts, Related Posts, Comments etc.

Buttons Appearance > Customize > Colors > Buttons

Change text and background colors for all buttons for both default and hover states.

MailChimp Widget Appearance > Customize > Colors > MailChimp Widget

Razorbill enables you to highlight MailChimp widget in your sidebar by allowing you to use different color scheme for the widget. You may change text, background and button colors.

  • This color scheme will override all other color schemes set in General Elements and Buttons sections.
  • If no colors are selected, then the widget will inherit color schemes set in other sections.

Fonts Appearance > Customize > Fonts

5 fonts from three broad classes of fonts - Serif, Slab-Serif and San-Serif - give you absolute control on the look of your blog. Besides, Razorbill is optimized to display these fonts without any issues at all. All you need to do is, select which font suits your blog and click save.

Fonts Included Appearance > Customize > Fonts

If this isn't enough, we are accepting requests to include more fonts in the theme. All fonts are thoroughly tested and optimized for all devices. Visit our Themeforest product page for Razorbill and put your request through comments. We will update the theme with the fonts on the basis of number of requests received.

Changing the Fonts

Go to Appearance > Customize > Fonts and select fonts for headings and body, respectively.

Heading Font

Your choice would be applied to:

  • Blog Introduction Heading
  • h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 and h6 headings
  • Post titles
  • Page titles
  • Tag Cloud in Footer

Body Font

Body font would be applied to:

  • Blog Introduction Description
  • Excerpts
  • Post body
  • Author Box
  • Comments
  • Page body
  • About Widget body

Some areas do not allow for a font change to maintain legibility. The default font for these areas is Roboto.

Social Media Profiles

Update Social Media Profiles Appearance > Customize > Social Media Profiles

Add URLs of your social media profiles in the respective text fields.

  • Ensure that the URLs are correct and not broken. Test the links as soon as you update them.
  • The profile links updated here would automatically populate the respective Social Media links in header, footer and in Super Avis' custom About Me and Social Media Links widgets.
  • These links will not populate the Social Media icons in User Profile that appears below every post. Update your information to User Profile.

Update RSS Feed URL Appearance > Customize > Social Media Profiles

Update the URL of your Blog's RSS feed here. It is the last field in the list of Social Media Profiles.

Custom Codes

Custom CSS Fields Appearance > Customize > Custom Code > Custom CSS

Use the following fields to enter Custom CSS provided to you by our support staff. You could also tweak basic CSS by entering your own custom code here.

  • Custom CSS (Mobile Devices & Desktops): Use this field for changes to Mobile Device and Desktop layouts.
  • Custom CSS (Mobile Devices): Use this field for changes to Mobile Device layouts only.
  • Custom CSS (Desktops): Use this field for changes to Desktop layouts only.

Add A Menu Appearance > Customize > Menus > Add A Menu

  1. From WordPress Administration Panel (Dashboard), go to Appearance > Customize > Menus.
  2. Click on Add A Menu and type in a name for the new menu. Press Create Menu.
  3. Press Add Items. A list slides out with the following options to choose from.
    • Custom Links: This option allows you to add a custom menu item to the menu. Type in the URL in URL field and menu item name in Link Text field.
    • Post: Use this option to add one of your posts to the menu.
    • Page: Add a page from a list of existing pages to the menu.
    • Category: Highlight a category by placing it in your menu. Select a category from the list and you are good to go.
    • Tag: Just like categories, you can choose to highlight the tags on your blog by adding them to the menu.
  4. Once you have added the menu items, assign a location to the new menu. Please see Menu Locations before assigning a location to your menu.
  5. Press Save & Publish at the top and you're golden.

Menus are designed to accommodate a limited number of menu items to maintain the assigned layout. Long item names and/or a large number of menu items may result in broken menu layout.


Razorbill brings 2 dedicated widget areas:

5 custom widgets:

and additional support for

Widget Areas

Sidebar Appearance > Customize > Widgets > Sidebar

Sidebar is completely widget-driven. Build one with the available widgets.

Modern Header/Mobile Menu Appearance > Customize > Widgets > Modern Header/Mobile Menu

This widget area is supported by both, Modern Header Menu and Mobile Menu.

  • Since Modern Header Menu and Mobile Menu share the same widget area, any widgets added here would show up in both Modern Header menu and Mobile menu.
  • It also holds true for removing widgets. Removing a widget from here would remove it from both menus.
  • Widgets in mobile menu work irrespective of your choice of header for desktop version of the website. You can choose Classic header layout for desktop site and have widgets in the mobile menu at the same time.

Super Avis Widgets

Besides the native WordPress widgets, Razorbill brings 5 custom ones to the table. Additionally, we have styled the recommended WP Instagram Widget and MailChimp Widget, so they fit perfectly in the theme.

(SuperAvis) About Me

Use this widget to display a brief introduction about yourself. You can link this widget to About page for a better user experience.

  • Title: Add a custom title. By default, it is set to 'About The Author'.
  • Profile Image: Upload a profile image. We recommend a minimum size of 500px by 500px for a better render quality in high pixel density screens.
  • Make Profile Image Rounded: By default, the profile image displays in square shape.
  • Name: Add your name that will be displayed under the image.
  • Tagline: Add a tagline for yourself. You may also choose to leave it blank. The widget will adjust its height accordingly.
  • Description: Add a custom description here. There is no word limit though, we would recommend keeping it short. You may also choose to leave it blank. The widget will adjust its height accordingly.
  • Show Read More Button: Create a "Read More" link in line with your description to link it with your About page. Add link to your About page in the 'Link' field.
  • Enable Social Icons: Select this option to display links to your Social Media Profiles. The links are populated automatically. To update your social profiles, go to Appearance > Customize > Social Media profiles.

(SuperAvis) Recent Posts

Display your latest posts in the siderbar.

  • Title: Add a custom title. By default, it is set to 'Recent Posts'.
  • Filter by Category: Select which category posts are displayed by the widget. By default, it is set to include all categories.
  • Number of posts to show: Set the maximum number of posts to display.

(SuperAvis) Tag Cloud

Tag Coud can be used to display the most popular tags on your blog.

  • Title: Add a custom title. By default, it is set to "Popular Tags'.
  • Order By: Sort the tags by Tag Count (the number of tags) or Tag Name (alphabetically?.
  • Order By: Sort the tags in ascending or descending order. This works in conjunction with the order set above.
  • Number of Tags to show: Set the number of tags to display.
  • This widget works independent of tag cloud feature found in the footer. To update Tag Cloud for Footer, go to Appearance > Customize > Footer > Tag Cloud. Learn more about Tag Cloud for Footer.

Displays icons of your favourite Social Networks hyperlinked to your social profile pages. The links are populated automatically. To update your social profiles, go to Appearance > Customize > Social Media profiles.

(SuperAvis) Facebook

This is a customized widget to display a snapshot of your Facebook page.

  • Title: Add a custom title. There is no default set for this field. If you keep it blank, the title won't show.
  • Facebook Page URL: Add URL to your Facebook page. Ensure that the URL is correct and not broken. Test the widget as soon as you update it.
  • Show page cover: Displays your page's cover image.
  • Show faces: Displays a list of people who are following your page. If a user is logged into Facebook in the same browser, this option will display the users friends who are already following your page.
  • Show posts: Displays recent posts on your page.


Displays the latest images from your Instagram profile.

  • Title: Add a custom title. There is no default set for this field. If you keep it blank, the title won't show.
  • Username: Add your Instagram Username without the prefix '@'.
  • Number of photos: Set the number of images the widgets displays.
  • Open links in:: When users click on your Instagram images in the widget, they are taken to your Instagram profile. By default, the widget uses the 'Current Window' option to go to your Instagram profle. Select 'New Window' if you want the widget to open a new window to carry out this action.
  • Link text: The widget displays a link to your Instagram profile below the images. Fill in your preferred text for the link. There is no default set for this field. If you keep it blank, the link won't show.
  • This widget works independent of Instagram feed found in the footer. To update Instagram for Footer, go to Appearance > Customize > Footer > Instagram. Learn more about Instagram for Footer.

Instagram Widget and Instagram for Footer are powered by a plugin. You should receive a notification to install the plugin once you install Razorbill. Alternatively, you can download the plugin from

MailChimp Sign-up Form

Use this widget to set up MailChimp's newsletter subscription service on your site.

  • Title: Add a custom title. There is no default set for this field. If you keep it blank, the title won't show.
  • The button text is set to 'Submit' by MailChimp and it cannot be changed as on date.

Razorbill brings two options to enhance the look of MailChimp's newsletter subscription widget.

  • The first option is built right into the code. Install MailChimp's widget and Razorbill will style it according to your color settings.
  • The second option slightly tweaks the layout of the widget to make its look more consistent with the theme. To get this new look, go to Appearance > Customize > Social Media profiles and paste the following code.

<div class="custom-subscribe-box">


      <label>Email address: </label>

         <input type="email" id="mc4wp_email" name="EMAIL" placeholder="Your email address" required class="email" />



         <input type="submit" value="&#xf0e0;" class="button" />



This widget is powered by a plugin. You should receive a notification to install the plugin once you install Razorbill. Alternatively, you can download the plugin from


We have consolidated everything related to Posts in this section. Some of these are proper explanations, while others are links to places where they are explained already.

Create A Post

The Step-by-Step Process to Creating a Post

  • Log in to your WordPress Administration Panel (Dashboard).
  • Click the 'Posts' tab.
  • Click the 'Add New' sub-tab.
  • Start filling in the blanks: enter your post title in the upper field, and enter your post body content in the main post editing box below it.
  • As needed, select a category, add tags, and make other selections from the sections below the post.
  • When you are ready, click Publish.
For a detailed tutorial about best practices and utilizing various of components of a post, please visit

User Profile

User Profile populates Author Box placed below the post content in every post. It comprises of the following:

  • Full Name
  • Profile Image
  • A Small Bio
  • Links to Social Media Profiles

Updating Name, Bio and Social Media Links

  • Existng User: Go to Dashboard > Users > Your Profile and update your profile.
  • New User: Go to Dashboard > Users > New User and create your profile.

Adding a Profile Image

WordPress supports and displays Gravatar images as User Profile images.

  • Set up a Gravatar account and upload your profile image.
  • Ensure that you have entered the same email address in your User Profile and Gravatar account.
  • If you already have a Gravatar account, then enter the same email address in your user profile in your blog.

To set up About Me widget, go to Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Widgets.


Create/Edit A Page

To create a new page, log in to your WordPress Administration Panel (Dashboard). Go to Dashboard > Pages > Add New to begin writing a new Page.

To edit an existing page, log in to your WordPress Administration Panel (Dashboard). Go to Dashboard > Pages > All Pages and click on the desired page to open Page Editor.

For a detailed tutorial about creating a page, please visit

Custom Page Templates

Razorbill brings the following custom page templates:

  • Featured Image plus Recent Posts: A full-width page with a designated area for a featured image. The page content is followed by Recent Posts section at the bottom.
  • Featured Image: A full-width page with a designated area for a featured image. It doesn't have Recent Posts section at the bottom.
  • Full-Width plus Recent Posts: >A regular full-width page with Recent Posts section at the bottom. If you add a featured image to this template, it will assume the full-width of the page and occupy the space above the contents of the page.
  • Full-Width Page: A regular full-width page without any frills. If you add a featured image to this template, it will assume the full-width of the page and occupy the space above the contents of the page.
  • Page with Sidebar (Default Template)This template makes place for the Sidebar. If you add a featured image to this template, it will assume the full-width of the page and occupy the space above the contents of the page.

About Page

Razorbill employs "Featured Image plus Recent Posts" template in its demo. To create a similar page, go to Dashboard > Pages > Add New and add your content. Before publishing the page, select "Featured Image plus Recent Posts" template under "Template" heading on the right.

Contact Page

Razorbill employs "Featured Image plus Recent Posts" template in its demo. To create a similar page, go to Dashboard > Pages > Add New and add your content. Before publishing the page, select "Featured Image plus Recent Posts" template under "Template" heading on the right.

Please install Contact form 7 plugin in order to create a contact form. You should get a notification to install the plugin once you install Razorbill. Alternatively, you can download the plugin from We recommend Contact Form 7 because Razorbill has built-in custom styles for its forms. You can install any other forms plugin but it may not match the styling offered by Razorbill.

Create a form in Contact Form 7 (or any other form plugin) and paste its shortcode along with the page content. Publish the page.


Thank you for purchasing our theme.

If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to contact us via our support site We will respond in the shortest time possible.

Before contacting us, please ensure that you have gone through relevant sections in the document carefully. Chances are we have already provided a solution to your problem.


Images used in theme demos have been sourced from picjumbo, Unsplash and SplitShire. These sites offer absolutely free, high quality images for personal and commercial use. All images are copyright of their respective authors.